Thursday, February 19, 2009

Going slow to go fast

“If you want to go fast, go slow”, Gil Grissom said to Sarah when Sarah can barely wait to solve the crime... (That's from CSI Las Vegas) Ironic, huh? Well, life is I guess full of that.

Imagine a high school student working on his project. Wanting to have more time playing, he finished and submitted his work so fast without giving a second thought. But, to his surprise and dismay, after a day he submitted his work, the teacher returned his project because he missed some important little things... And all he could say would be, "Ooops, I didn’t notice that..."

There are times that we just want things to roll faster... Maybe because we feel like the agony of waiting is killing us. Or maybe, we just can’t bear to stay much longer to our situation or could also be that we’re too excited to hop-on to the next level… Here's a big BUT for that: BUT there are some precious gems in small packages that only those who will look intensely will be able to pick them up- some little things that may seem unnoticeable. The sad thing is, they are too little to identify but too significant to miss out. Altough admittedly, there are also times that they are placed in a way that can be seen palpably but we just intentionally ignore them to skip the painful process.

But guess what? Unless we make our “projects” right, we have to do it over… and over… and over again... And when you are caught at that same situation, these familiar and most of the times annoying questions will play again, "Why do I need to be here again? Have I not learned my lessons yet?" Because of our “desire” to shorten the painful process, we end up to a more painful and longer process. Want to mitigate all these unnecessary pains?
Go slow.

Go slow if you want to go fast... Pausing once in awhile is never a bad habit. Take time to think… Evaluate… and never forget to get HIS approval first before making your initial step.

“Wait for the Lord; Be strong, and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14

Quoting John Bevere, “A good tree naturally bears fruits. You don’t force them to bear fruits…” But why there are still many “strong” believers who don’t understand why their journey is going in a circle when in fact, the “very nature” of the “good tree” is in them? They know that they are called for something greater and deserve something better but they just can’t see what’s missing… Again, go slow and take time to see your face in a mirror. Maybe that “good” tree is placed in a pot- in his little world of comfort zone? Or maybe, that “good tree” should be planted somewhere around the “north” but now waving his leaves on the south?

Sometimes, we just find ourselves wishing things to be just plain and simple but well, it’s not. So I guess all we can do is savour on the food that GOD has placed on our plates… Go slow.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Communicated knowledge vs Revelation knowledge

(Excerpt from Driven by Eternity (John Bevere))

Many believers are too comfortable just listening to preachings/teachings (the “communicated knowledge”) instead of getting things directly from GOD (the “revelation knowledge”). What they (we) are missing is that believers with just “communicated knowledge” on hand are easier to be deceived than those who have “revelation knowledge”…

Going back to the story of Adam and Eve: Adam received the “revelation knowledge” not to eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil whilst Eve received the “communicated knowledge” from Adam. Adam committed the sin of “disobedience” or “rebellion” since He disobeyed GOD and had chosen the luring of Eve than GOD. Eve, on the other hand, was easily swayed or deceived by the enemy holding just the “communicated knowledge”. Remember the lethal question of the serpent to Eve, “Did GOD really say…?” Here’s the “what if” question then, what if Eve received the first-hand message? Well, we can’t draw a line what would have happened but the clasp of the message to Eve’s heart would have been “stronger”.

That’s how vital communicating to GOD directly and not to be satisfied with the passed-on-message. Of course, we take delight on the food that our spiritual parents serve but being fed by our FATHER Himself is a completely different story… and this is also the reason why it is very essential for us to lead our “spiritual daughters/sons” to our FATHER and not to ourselves…

But taking the “revelation knowledge” would not exclude me from deception; in fact, this gives me a “greater-weight- challenge” that links to my obedience… and gives me a “heavier accountability” in passing on the message vigilantly…

Shy Kangaroo!

Shy Kangaroo!
Gold Coast Australia Trip (Oct 19-22, 2008)

As far as the eyes can see

As far as the eyes can see
Q1 Observation Deck, Australia


In my little cage :p

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!
Gold Coast


Scuba diving - Gold Coast