While I was reading Matthew 10:38 “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me”, 2 questions came to my mind.
First, why "cross"? Why take up the "cross"? The first thing that always come to my mind when we talk about the cross is "Jesus dying on the cross for us" but when Jesus said those words, He has not gone through the "crucifixion” yet so He must not be talking about His death. To put things at the right perspective, it’s always good to check the history. Taking from Wikipedia, the cross “depicts a purposely painful and gruesome method of public execution.” To put it in simpler words, CROSS means DEATH. So when Jesus said take up the cross, He meant death, but not His but ours – DEATH TO SELF. He meant denying ourselves (Matthew 16:24).
Second, why did Jesus had to say “take up the CROSS”? Why did He not just say “follow Me”? Jesus just drew the line! “Taking up the cross” will separate the “true followers” from the “self-proclaimed followers”. Many think and confess that they are CHRISTians and yet still living and loving their old selves.
To set the record straight, let’s take Jesus as our model. Let’s now talk about HIM carrying His cross. When Jesus “literally” took up the cross (note of the word “literal”, that must be a classic example huh!), He bleed and experienced death… and when we take up our cross, we will bleed, surely we will... We will have questions like, “Father, why have You forsaken me?” but like what John Bevere said, that only after dying we will experience resurrection…
So you think following HIM means losing your life? Nah, on the contrary, it’s actually a choice given to us for us to enjoy life to the full (John 10:10). The promises of GOD to us are countless and they are more than the riches of this world… You give HIM your life and HE will surely outgive that. Many get scare of the “price” but the “prize” is actually priceless!