Saturday, September 28, 2013


After listening to Ptr Paul's message this morning, there's one word that really struck me. It was not the highlight of the message in fact but it came to me like a bomb and the Lord spoke to me through the word -- perhaps!

Perhaps is an expression of some sort of uncertainty yet it's the same word Jonathan used when he called his armour bearer to go up and invade Philistine garrison.

Then Jonathan said to the young man who was carrying his armor, “Come and let us cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; PERHAPS the Lord will work for us, for the Lord is not restrained to save by many or by few.” 1 Samuel 14:6, NASB (emphasis added)

Jonathan was not sure yet he moved up in courage. He was not certain yet he took the step. He didn't know what awaited him yet he pursued his destiny. He didn't have any idea of the future but he knew his God!

Not having the full picture is the perfect picture of walking by faith. It is where we discover that God has actually bigger things on mind than what we know.

Perhaps God is just waiting for the same courage from you. Perhaps HE is just waiting for you to take that bold step. Perhaps HE is just asking you to move up and take what is yours. Perhaps HE is teaching you to let go and move towards your promised land. Perhaps HE is just asking you to take your full assurance from who HE is!

Perhaps and many more perhaps. Most of the times, God will not tell you what's on the other line but you wouldn't really know unless you cross it - be bold and embrace!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thoughts into captivity

“Just because you have a thought, you don’t have to think it… bring every thought into captivity (2 Cor 10:15)” – twitted by Max Lucado

Sometimes the tests will not come in a big wave or strong storm… Sometimes, they come in silence. And sometimes, we just find ourselves wondering and holding tight as changes in life pass us by. Thoughts will keep on knocking into our head for sure and no wonder we always say that our mind is the battleground. It takes so much stillness in our minds and hearts to hear every “hallelujah” our spirit is crying out.

At times, you would feel nobody seem to see the depth of your cry and that every small victory would mean a lot… and that every time you trip, you would just want someone to tap your shoulder and say “it’s ok” or every time you slip, you just long to have someone reminding you how great you have done so far and just let your mistakes fly away.

Oh... sometimes you would ask GOD questions that you yourself know the answer – you just want to blurt it out. And in every silence, sometimes, you would just close your eyes holding on to every encouragement you could find – no matter how small that is. Yet sometimes in finding, you are putting yourself in stickier mud... and so sometimes, doing nothing means doing something.

Sometimes, you know you are neither lonely nor doubting, but you just find yourself seeking to what seem to be missing… and this is one of the moments you would realize that there must be a good reason why GOD’s kingdom must be seek and as promised, those who will seek with all their hearts will find it.

But yeah, bring every thought into captivity… as the enemy is trying to ensnare you away from the stillness of HIS love. This is why we have to renew our mind daily – feed our thoughts with HIS words, fill our hearts with HIS peace.

And when you are back to your senses, you would smile and just say, “yeah, I can be the answer to my own prayer...”

“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 ESV

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Unfamiliar Road

I remember one time I was talking to myself the things that I'm not really comfortable with and one top of mind answer I had was: "Facing the UNKNOWN". I guess like everyone else, nobody wants to walk the road of uncertainties. We get uneasy knowing we will face things we may not know. 

Yet at the same time, this could also give you the excitement if you will just see it in the eyes of faith. It's turning our question from "God, why am I here?" to "God, what are You teaching me?" 

As I was having my time with God, HE just reminded me of this one basic principle: the gold process. To get pure gold, it has to go under a certain degree of heat... and during this process, the mineral impurities will be separated. Being in the unfamiliar road would make you see what are from God and what are not. In the process, God will show you the impurities of your heart, not to say "you are bad" but a message that "HE is good". HE is that good that inspite of your imperfection, HE has chosen you to reflect His glory... And little would you know, HE is in the process of purifying you for HIS plans that you have never imagined. 

All these "revelations" you have learnt in your years of Christian journey would just be "concepts" and "principles" if they are not tested... If they are not flesh out. Jesus didn't just take the "WORD" wherever He went, HE WAS THE WORD HIMSELF (John 1:1). It's no longer just knowing the principles and taking it wherever we go, it's about living them -  that your words and yourself will be one. It's like when you talk about "grace", that grace itself permeates in your life. When you talk about "self control", that very word will be seen without you saying it. When you talk about "all things are possible", your life itself will show that indeed nothing will hold you back. 

Being in the "unfamiliar road" is the perfect time to take all these "familiar principles" you have known and make it your reality -- your very life message.

Shy Kangaroo!

Shy Kangaroo!
Gold Coast Australia Trip (Oct 19-22, 2008)

As far as the eyes can see

As far as the eyes can see
Q1 Observation Deck, Australia


In my little cage :p

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!
Gold Coast


Scuba diving - Gold Coast