Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Capturing my thoughts: Collection of my recent Facebook statuses

I have thought most of them while on the bus going to work and they paint the picture of my thoughts on those said days *wink*

March 2
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney. And here's my version, it's kind of boring to do the possible, haha! Yattir spirit!

March 18
I am soooo me and you are sooo you, haha! See, we are just different in many ways but it's our differences that make our lives so lively and colorful - and that make us dependent with each other *wink*

March 25
Whilst it's well acknowledged that many things would have to undergo a very loooong process, there are just also certain things that can change in just a blink of an eye...

April 5
When you are left with no reason to fight for them, make HIM the reason why... when you are left with no reason to fight for them, make HIM the reason why... After all, that should be the starting point...After all, that should be the starting point...

April 8
I am so glad that I am already dead, haha! Those who have ears let them hear... *wink*

April 15
It's never about who's the best among ourselves but living out the best in each one of us. We are all like stars meant to shine and it's never about outshining one another but shining all together. Enjoy shining my co-stars for the glory of the ONE who enabled us to shine!

April 19
Most of the times, the heart can feel what the eyes can't see... And the ears also do hear what the heart ignores to feel... :)

April 21
Genuine appreciation never fails to encourage someone. Your words don’t even cost a penny so why not be generous to express them? You just never know how they can empower someone's day. Cheers!

April 23
There are times, our beliefs are bound to be questioned and if we only have our doctrines/theology as a back-up, we might end up questioning our own beliefs. BUT our personal encounters with HIM nullify all these venomous doubts - and that's how powerful EXPERIENCES are! Have a blessed morning and may we all have great encounters with HIM today. :-)

April 27
It takes so much courage to speak up but it also does take so much "will" to remain quiet when the circumstance require you to... :)

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Shy Kangaroo!

Shy Kangaroo!
Gold Coast Australia Trip (Oct 19-22, 2008)

As far as the eyes can see

As far as the eyes can see
Q1 Observation Deck, Australia


In my little cage :p

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!
Gold Coast


Scuba diving - Gold Coast