Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beyond logic...

When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves, He definitely didn't use logic. When He raised the dead, He didn't support it with logic. When HE caused the lame to walk, HE didn’t explain it with logic. When all other miracles happened from Old to New Testament, GOD never presented logic. HIS goodness is just simply beyond our comprehensions and logic will fall short to explain even just a single miracle.

So why use logic when faced with seemingly unreasonable challenges after challenges? Logic will not take us any farther; we will just find ourselves lost in trying to understand all things. That’s why the psalmist said, "Be still and know that HE is GOD. (Psalm 46:10)" We were never asked to “understand GOD” and in fact, Ecclesiastes 11:5 says, “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

If truth be told, GOD is inviting us to walk the path of miracles and beyond logic - to dream bigger than ourselves and to dare wilder than what we have been seeing. Excuses are no longer “excuse”. Jesus even guaranteed us that greater things shall we do (John 14:12). Where’s the logic in there? A resounding NONE! We just have to see it for ourselves!

We were created beyond logic to begin with. And the purposes and potentials implanted within us are as well beyond logic. For this reason, we were posed to “live by faith and not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7).

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Yardstick

The more you measure it, the more it will come fall short... but the more you pour it out, the more it will just overflow...

These phrases have been just ringing on my head and echoing in my heart since this morning. You just got to give love, release hope, bring joy, and carry encouragement relentlessly without measuring the extent of what you have already given or counting what you have already received in return. You just got to let that love go!When will we know if we have already given enough? I guess penning answers to that question is like limiting what love can actually do. Can we really measure love? Taking the illustration of a candle – will the candle stop burning after it will provide you light for a moment? I doubt that because giving is not just merely responding for a moment. It’s not just answering to someone’s needs. It’s just simply giving because it's the nature of the giver. I have come to realize that the more you withhold it, the more you keep yourself away from shining that glory GOD has implanted within you because the glory of someone is being revealed in the giving mode – in the line of duty, in the light of service. When was the glory of the Father’s love perfectly shown? When HE gave HIS only SON. And when was the glory of HIS son JESUS immensely demonstrated? When HE gave HIS life for us.

So what’s the yardstick of giving? In Phil 4:19 it says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” God gives according to what HE can, what HE has and what HE will. This verse perfectly expresses that in giving the yardstick is not the receiver, but the giver himself.

Shy Kangaroo!

Shy Kangaroo!
Gold Coast Australia Trip (Oct 19-22, 2008)

As far as the eyes can see

As far as the eyes can see
Q1 Observation Deck, Australia


In my little cage :p

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!

Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!
Gold Coast


Scuba diving - Gold Coast