Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Communicated knowledge vs Revelation knowledge

(Excerpt from Driven by Eternity (John Bevere))

Many believers are too comfortable just listening to preachings/teachings (the “communicated knowledge”) instead of getting things directly from GOD (the “revelation knowledge”). What they (we) are missing is that believers with just “communicated knowledge” on hand are easier to be deceived than those who have “revelation knowledge”…

Going back to the story of Adam and Eve: Adam received the “revelation knowledge” not to eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil whilst Eve received the “communicated knowledge” from Adam. Adam committed the sin of “disobedience” or “rebellion” since He disobeyed GOD and had chosen the luring of Eve than GOD. Eve, on the other hand, was easily swayed or deceived by the enemy holding just the “communicated knowledge”. Remember the lethal question of the serpent to Eve, “Did GOD really say…?” Here’s the “what if” question then, what if Eve received the first-hand message? Well, we can’t draw a line what would have happened but the clasp of the message to Eve’s heart would have been “stronger”.

That’s how vital communicating to GOD directly and not to be satisfied with the passed-on-message. Of course, we take delight on the food that our spiritual parents serve but being fed by our FATHER Himself is a completely different story… and this is also the reason why it is very essential for us to lead our “spiritual daughters/sons” to our FATHER and not to ourselves…

But taking the “revelation knowledge” would not exclude me from deception; in fact, this gives me a “greater-weight- challenge” that links to my obedience… and gives me a “heavier accountability” in passing on the message vigilantly…

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Shy Kangaroo!

Shy Kangaroo!
Gold Coast Australia Trip (Oct 19-22, 2008)

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As far as the eyes can see
Q1 Observation Deck, Australia


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Soon I will have my own yacht, haha!
Gold Coast


Scuba diving - Gold Coast